Using Printed Promotional Mugs To Strengthen Your Brand Identity

Whilst there are many ways to improve the visibility of your brand, printed promotional mugs are an excellent choice. They not only communicate your marketing message to potential and existing customers, they also serve as a symbol of your business’ regard for its customers. In this article, we have outlined just some of the ways that mugs can be used to strengthen your brand identity and ensure that your customers remember you.

  • Large Surface Area
    One of the best things about mugs is that, when you think about it, they offer quite a large surface area on which to print your logo, marketing message and other information. You can use the whole circumference of the item and can even use the inside if you have a specific message that you want the user to see. As cups are also something that people tend to notice, you can rest assured that the message will be seen.
  • Extensive Range
    There is a wide variety of different mugs to choose from, ensuring that you’re able to choose one that meets the needs of your business and the needs of your customers. Whether you want a traditional ceramic cup, an engraved metal one, a travel one that features a lid or even a disposable one that can be thrown away when no longer needed, there is sure to be an option that will meet these requirements.
  • Number of Uses
    Believe it or not, printed promotional mugs actually have a number of different uses. Whilst they are primarily used for drinking hot beverages (such as coffee, tea and hot chocolate), they can also be used for enjoying other hot concoctions (such as soup and microwave cakes). Some people also use these cups to store pens, pencils and other stationary – which means that they’re sitting on the desk permanently.
  • Suitable for All Ages
    Another of the great things about mugs is that they’re suitable for recipients of all ages – men, women and children. It’s likely that everyone will drink a hot beverage of some kind – even children are known to enjoy hot chocolate and soup – and these cups can also be used for cold drinks if there aren’t any glasses available. The durable nature of the materials used also means they’re highly suited for children.
  • Supplementary Gift
    Finally, these mugs can be handed out on their own or they can be handed out as a supplement to a much larger gift. They are the sort of item that won’t look out of place no matter what you choose to pair it with, from confectionery (fill it with individually wrapped chocolates or candy) to stationary (fill it with branded pens or a stress shape). As you have probably noted, they also make a great vessel.

We hope that the information provided in this article has given you some idea of how printed promotional mugs can be used to strengthen your brand identity and increase its visibility. People tend to overlook how useful mugs can be for any marketing campaign, which means that they’re missing out on some serious promotion that doesn’t break the bank. As you can see, there are a number of ways that you can hope to benefit from their inclusion.