More Fun Facts About Custom Promotional Products

If you’ve used custom promotional products in your marketing campaign before, you already know the impact they can have on your efforts as a whole. But did you know the following fun facts? We are sure that there are lots of things you don’t know about these products:

  • Did you know that 8 out of 10 consumers own somewhere between 1 and 10 promotional items at any given time? Imagine how many brand impressions a consumer receives per day!
  • Did you know that approximately 53% of these people use a promotional item at least once a week? Whether they’re conscious of this fact or not doesn’t change the fact they’re exposed to the brand.
  • Did you know that 6 out of 10 consumers keep the promotional items they receive for up to 10 years? I guess this is why they call these products the gift that keeps on giving!
  • Did you know that only 1 out of 5 consumers will throw away an unwanted item? Even if a few people aren’t interested in your products, there are more people who are.
  • Did you know that around 55% of consumers have done business with the company before receiving a branded product? And that around 85% do business with the company after receiving a product?
  • Did you know that, in the United States, bags generate more impressions than any other custom promotional product? At nearly 6 thousand impressions, you cannot go wrong.
  • Did you know that these products can help to create a more favourable impression of your company around 53% of the time? When people look upon you more highly, they’re more likely to use you.
  • Did you know that approximately 69% of consumers would pick up a branded item if they deemed it useful? This is why you should spend time looking into what your target audience wants or needs.
  • Did you know that approximately 63% of consumers pass on the products that they no longer wish to use? This increases the number of people that your campaign touches, as well as your number of impressions.
  • Did you know that around 91% of consumers have at least one branded product in their kitchen, around 74% have at least one in their workplace, and around 55% have at least one in their bedroom?
  • Did you know that women are more likely to use bags, writing instruments and calendars, whilst men are more likely to use shirts and caps? Be sure to pick according to your target audience.
  • Did you know that adding branded items to your campaign can increase the effectiveness of other media that you’re using by up to 44%? This is an amazing increase that you cannot pass up.

Are you sceptical about the power of custom promotional products? We hope that this list of fun facts has shown you just how beneficial they can be for your marketing campaign, convincing you to take the plunge and place an order today. At Novel Tees, we have a wide range of products to choose from.