If you’re planning to jet off on holidays sometime this year, you should consider stylish personalised backpacks as the ultimate in carry on. Not only will the personalisation ensure that you never lose your bag somewhere along the way, they will be plenty large enough to store everything you could possibly need during your flight without breeching size restrictions. We’ve taken a closer look at some of the reasons to opt for backpacks in the list below:

- Ideal for Kids
When travelling with kids, you often have to carry myriad items that you would not have to otherwise. From spare clothing in case they get dirty and snacks in case they get hungry to books and games in case they get bored, the list keeps on growing. A backpack can be a fantastic way to keep all of these items together and easily accessible – not to mention, you can encourage your kid to carry it for you.
- Great for Adults
Whether you’re taking a short domestic flight or a long haul overseas one, ensuring that you’re well equipped for the journey is a must. There are a few items that we often want to carry, including: laptops or tablets, books, jumpers, drink bottles, magazines and even snacks. The ability to sling personalised backpacks across your shoulders as you race through the airport to your gate can be a huge bonus.
- Meet Size Restrictions
When travelling by plane, there are strict size and weight restrictions that your luggage must meet in order to be allowed on the flight. Backpacks easily fall within the size restrictions, ensuring that no one will look twice at them as you try to board. Just note that it can be easy to overfill these bags, as they are deceptively large inside, so be careful that you aren’t overloading it in case you’re asked to weigh it.
- Suit all Climates
There is nothing seasonal about personalised backpacks – they can be used all year round with ease and suit whatever climate you happen to be visiting, from a scorching hot beach in the height of summer to the freezing ski slopes in the dead of winter. They can be used for relaxing getaways or intrepid hiking adventures. Simply fill the bag with everything you want to carry, sling it onto your back and off you go.
- Never get Lost
We have already touched on the fact that personalisation can help to prevent backpacks from getting lost or misplaced. This is particularly useful when travelling with a group, as it’s easy for a bag to get left behind or mistakenly shoved underneath a seat without someone realising. Whether you choose to emblazon the bag with your logo or your name, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to spot it instantly.
We hope that the information provided above has shown you why stylish personalised backpacks are a fantastic choice for taking to some of your favourite holiday destinations. Whether you’re hitting the beach or the snowfields, rest assured that these bags will have ample room for everything you need during the journey. Plus, don’t forget that having your name or logo emblazoned all over the backpack will help to prevent losing it!