When you want bargain basement prices without sacrificing on value for money or quality, you cannot go wrong with China promotional bags.
Whether you’re working to a strict budget or you just want to ensure the most bang for your buck, all of these bags come in at affordable prices. In fact, many of them come in at less than $1 (with options up to around $30).
We have an extensive range of styles to choose from when it comes to promotional bags China, including: non woven, duffel, luggage, backpack, cooler, backsack, shopper, satchel, cosmetic, waist, cargo organiser and foldable.
Their cheap prices don’t mean that you have to sacrifice on quality. All of the bags in our range are manufactured with high quality and often eco friendly materials, including: calico, polyester, polypropylene, jute, nylon and more.
The great thing about China promo bags is that they come in an extensive range of colours, allowing you to achieve a perfect match for your brand. If you would prefer a plainer background colour, inject colour through your printed or embroidered logo.